This weekend I made 2 simple 12½ inch blocks for a patchwork internet-friend in the US - Hi Dee! - She's making a quilt for her highschool-friend, who's had to go through a difficult surgery. Isn't that lovely? She wanted blocks in blue-yellow-white - Well, a little pink sneaked into one of mine :-) I hope you don't mind, Dee :-) Can't wait to see, how the quilt will look in the end!
Jeg kom også lidt videre med dette...
I also worked a little bit on this...
...Endnu en UFO... Toppen lavede jeg på et kursus på Quiltuniversity for nogle år siden. Nu har jeg endelig samlet mod nok til at begynde på maskin-quiltningen :-)
...Another UFO... The top was finished in an online class at Quiltuniversity a couple of years ago. I finally got started on the machine-quilting :-)
I dag er mandag d. 17. august - dagen for det første Stitcher's Angel projekt! Kig over til Helen og se hvad hun har fundet på til os!
Today is Monday August 17th - the day for the first Stitcher's Angel project to be revealed. Pop over to Helen and see what she's made for us - It's lovely!
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